Nutrition & Diet
The Relationship Between Eating Disorders and IBS — Register…
Slowed metabolism, which happens when the body is consistently getting less energy (i.e. calories) than it needs, also slows digestion and...
Personal Development
Thoughts on Healthy Eating – zen habits zen habits
By Leo Babauta
Eating healthy is something I’ve been a bit obsessed with for the last couple of decades, and I’ve transformed my eating...
Nutrition & Diet
How to Practice Gentle Nutrition in Intuitive Eating — Regis…
Most intuitive eating counselors point out that gentle nutrition is the last principle, and that it’s something you should hold off...
Nutrition & Diet
How to Use the Hunger Fullness Scale in Intuitive Eating — R…
One of the lies diet culture sells is the idea that left to your own devices, you wouldn’t be able to...
Lifestyle & Wellness
Menopause Diet: Healthy Eating and the Impact on Your Sympto…
For women, midlife can be a hormonal roller coaster. But guess what? One big way to help manage this transition is a good menopause...
Nutrition & Diet
What is Normal Eating? — Registered Dietitian Columbia SC
In my work as a dietitian supporting clients healing from disordered eating, I am frequently asked to define “normal” eating.“How many...
Lifestyle & Wellness
7 Signs You May Not Be Eating Enough to Lose Weight
If you’re trying to lose weight, you might think that if a modest calorie deficit is good for weight loss, a bigger calorie...
Business Growth Strategies
Walmart, Target Are Eating Dollar Stores’ Lunch: Dollar Gene…
The battle over consumer spending on food and household items continues to heat up and big-box retailers may be taking more market share...