Saturday, December 21, 2024


OkCupid’s Michael Kaye on Winning Hearts with Data, Storytel…

Data-driven storytelling is at the heart of winning customer love. But like Cupid’s arrow, it can either be a hit or an expensive...

Machine Learning and “Prophecy Trees”: How data helps to pre…

This article was co-autored by Eva Hieninger (Partner, Managing Director), Daniel Barco (Junior Data Scientist) and Izeruwawe Blaise Linaniye (Project Management & Marketing...

Data Hygiene: How to Keep Your Donor Database Clean

Imagine that a monthly donor contributes an additional donation to your organization’s latest campaign. When they signed up for your monthly giving program,...

On Iowa’s KXEL: To Discuss The Revised FBI Crime Data

Dr. John Lott appeared on Iowa’s giant 50,000-watt KXEL-AM radio station to discuss his new investigative piece at Real Clear Investigations titled “Stealth Edit: FBI...

IRS Data Reveals Record Tax Refunds And Salaries

Source: The College Investor Average Tax Refunds Increase: In 2022, tax refunds hit their highest point in years, reaching $4,440 per tax return, on...

How the Latest FBI Crime Data Debunks the Left’s Narrative

Dr. John Lott Jr. talked to Mike Slater on Breitbart News Daily Podcast about how the FBI’s revised crime debunks the left’s narrative that crime...

5 Types of Network Security and How They Protect Your Data

Network security refers to all the practices and software used by businesses to protect the integrity, confidentiality and accessibility of their digital assets....