Sunday, November 24, 2024

Working With YAML In Terraform Using The `yamldecode` And `y…


The functions built into and supported by HashiCorp Terraform include the yamldecode and yamlencode functions for working with YAML data. These functions enable seamless integration and manipulation of YAML within Terraform configurations, enhancing the flexibility and manageability of infrastructure setups. This article explains their usage, and provides some practical applications.

Decoding YAML with yamldecode Function

The yamldecode function in Terraform parses a YAML string and converts it into a Terraform-compatible representation. This includes converting YAML sequences to lists, maps to objects, and handling other primitive types like strings, numbers, and booleans.

The function supports a subset of YAML 1.2, effectively translating various YAML types into their corresponding Terraform language types​.

Here’s a basic usage of the decodeyaml function:

locals {
  yaml_data = yamldecode(file("config.yaml"))

output "parsed_yaml" {
  value = local.yaml_data

In this example, the file function is used to read the file named config.yaml, and the yamldecode function then parses the YAML contents of the file into a Terraform data structure. The parsed data is then accessible within Terraform for further use.

To look at an expanded example of how the YAML to Terraform mapping works, here’s an example YAML file and it’s mapping to configuring an Azure VM resource:

YAML File:

instance_type: Standard_B1s
  publisher: Canonical
  offer: UbuntuServer
  sku: 18.04-LTS
  version: latest
  environment: dev
  project: demo
  - /subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/nic1
  - /subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/nic2
enabled: true
optional_value: null

Terraform Configuration:

locals {
  config = yamldecode(file("config.yaml"))

resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "example" {
  name                  = "example-vm"
  location              = azurerm_resource_group.example.location
  resource_group_name   =
  network_interface_ids = local.config.network_interface_ids
  vm_size               = local.config.instance_type

  storage_image_reference {
    publisher = local.config.image_reference.publisher
    offer     = local.config.image_reference.offer
    sku       = local.config.image_reference.sku
    version   = local.config.image_reference.version

  os_profile {
    computer_name  = "hostname"
    admin_username = "adminuser"
    admin_password = "Password1234!"

  tags = local.config.tags

output "enabled" {
  value = local.config.enabled

output "optional_value" {
  value = local.config.optional_value

Encoding YAML with yamlencode Function

The yamlencode function in HashiCorp Terraform is an essential tool for converting Terraform data structures into YAML-formatted strings. This functionality is particularly useful for generating configuration files for other systems and tools that use YAML. By understanding how to effectively use yamlencode, you can enhance the interoperability and automation of your infrastructure as code.

The basic syntax for using yamlencode involves passing a Terraform data structure to the function and assigning the resulting YAML string to a variable or output.

Here’s a an example of using the yamlencode function:

locals {
  map_data = {
    name  = "example"
    value = 123
  yaml_string = yamlencode(local.map_data)

output "yaml_output" {
  value = local.yaml_string

In this example, a map data structure is encoded into a YAML string, which is then output for use elsewhere.

Here’s what the YAML output from yaml_output will look like:

name: example
value: 123

YAML to Terraform Type Mappings

It is important to understand the type mappings between YAML and Terraform when using these functions. These include converting YAML sequences to lists, maps to objects, and handling other primitive types like string, numbers, and booleans.

The type mappings are as follows:

YAML Type Terraform Type
!!str string
!!float `number
!!int number
!!bool bool
!!map object
!!seq tuple
!!null null

These mappings between YAML and Terraform ensure that various YAML data structures can be utilized effectively within Terraform configurations.

Practical Applications

The yamldecode and yamlencode functions in Terraform open up a range of practical applications that enhance the flexibility and manageability of infrastructure as code (IaC). These functions enable seamless integration of YAML configurations, facilitating dynamic and automated setups.

Here are some additional practical applications for using these functions.

YAML Configuration Management

One of the primary applications of Terraform yamldecode and yamlencode functions is to manage complex configurations. YAML files are often used to store configuration data due to their readability and structured format. Using yamldecode, you can decode these configurations directly into Terraform variables and resources.

Here’s some configuration settings defined for a VM using a YAML file:

instance_type: Standard_B1s
  publisher: Canonical
  offer: UbuntuServer
  sku: 18.04-LTS
  version: latest
  environment: dev
  project: b59-demo

Here’s some example Terraform code that pulls this YAML in and configures an Azure VM using the settings defined in the file:

locals {
  config = yamldecode(file("config.yaml"))

resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "example" {
  name                  = "example-vm"
  location              = azurerm_resource_group.example.location
  resource_group_name   =
  network_interface_ids = []
  vm_size               = local.config.instance_type

  storage_image_reference {
    publisher = local.config.image_reference.publisher
    offer     = local.config.image_reference.offer
    sku       = local.config.image_reference.sku
    version   = local.config.image_reference.version

  os_profile {
    computer_name  = "hostname"
    admin_username = "b59adminuser"
    admin_password = "Password1234!"

  tags = local.config.tags

In this example, a YAML file defines the configuration for an Azure virtual machine. The yamldecode function reads this file and converts it into a format that Terraform can use to create the VM.

YAML Configuration Management with Array

Since YAML is a common file format and is used by many different systems, here’s another configuration management example that incorporates an Array within the YAML to configure multiple instances of a Terraform resource.

Here’s an example YAML file that contains a property that contains an Array of objects:

  - name: CPU Usage
    type: cpu
    threshold: 80
  - name: Memory Usage
    type: memory
    threshold: 75

Here’s some example Terraform code that decodes this YAML and uses it to configure multiple instances of a Terraform resource:

locals {
  monitor_config = yamldecode(file("monitors.yaml"))

resource "example_monitor" "cpu" {
  name      = local.monitor_config.monitors[0].name
  type      = local.monitor_config.monitors[0].type
  threshold = local.monitor_config.monitors[0].threshold

resource "example_monitor" "memory" {
  name      = local.monitor_config.monitors[1].name
  type      = local.monitor_config.monitors[1].type
  threshold = local.monitor_config.monitors[1].threshold

This Terraform code reads the YAML configuration file, then creates multiple monitoring resources based on the parsed data.

Generate Configuration Files

The Terraform yamlencode function can be used to dynamically generate YAML configuration files for other tools and systems. This can be particularly useful for tools like Kubernetes, which require YAML configurations.

Here’s some example Terraform code that specifies the configurations for a Kubernetes (K8s) deployment:

locals {
  k8s_deployment = {
    apiVersion = "apps/v1"
    kind       = "Deployment"
    metadata = {
      name = "nginx-deployment"
    spec = {
      replicas = 3
      selector = {
        matchLabels = {
          app = "nginx"
      template = {
        metadata = {
          labels = {
            app = "nginx"
        spec = {
          containers = [
              name  = "nginx"
              image = "nginx:1.14.2"
              ports = [
                  containerPort = 80

resource local_file "k8s_config" {
  content = yamlencode(local.k8s_deployment)
  filename = "${path.module}/k8s.yaml"

This Terraform uses the local_file resource type to write the YAML representation of the local.k8s_deployment object variable to a YAML file on the local file system named k8s.yaml.

Here’s what the YAML file output from this Terraform code will look like:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment
  replicas: 3
      app: nginx
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:1.14.2
        - containerPort: 80

This example outputs a Kubernetes deployment configuration file that is dynamically generated using Terraform. This method can be used to generate a dynamic YAML configuration file using Terraform that is then used with other tools or systems.


The Terraform yamldecode and yamlencode functions offer powerful capabilities for managing and generating YAML configurations. By leveraging these functions, you can integrate Terraform with a variety of tools and systems that use YAML, streamline your configuration management, and create dynamic, reusable infrastructure as code. These practical applications demonstrate how these functions can enhance the flexibility, maintainability, and scalability of your Terraform projects.

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