Uncertainty is near an all-time high.
Since 1985, the U.S. Federal Reserve has tracked an uncertainty index—and it’s now skyrocketing, fast approaching its pandemic-era peak.
But your business and brand can THRIVE in these conditions.
Here are 9 ways to do it:
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1. Uncertainty Matrix – Map out what’s certainly known, certainly unknown, unevenly recognized in your organization, and critical blind spots.
2. Scenarios – Develop a few truly distinct scenarios (not just based on your company’s outcomes, but on market shifts). What actions can you take today to thrive in each future scenario?
3. Portfolio Plan – Assess the risk level, risk type, and maturity of your investments. Think of it as a diversified portfolio—how will it hold up in different market conditions?
4. Platforms vs. Products – Shift from rigid products to flexible platforms. Netflix, for example, is a platform that can evolve with the market—traditional broadcast networks do not.
5. Capture New Markets – Disruptive events create major opportunities for entering new markets. Fintech boomed after the financial crisis—where’s your industry’s next opening? Consider all dimensions: goods companies can grow into non-tariffed services, you can expand geographically, and more.
6. Agile Planning – Static, annual strategic plans don’t work during high uncertainty. Instead, focus on dynamic strategies that separate fixed priorities from adaptable tactics.
7. Reduce Inter-Dependencies – Create modular, flexible value propositions that can have both more agility and lower costs.
8. Put Customers First – Your customers’ Jobs to be Done remain constant—use them as your North Star for strategy, cost reduction, and option development.
9. Invest In Brand – Your most valuable intangible asset. Successful brands always have value, but their value may be greatest when they represent a source of assurance in an otherwise worrisome world.
Uncertainty = Opportunity. Seize it!!
Contributed to Branding Strategy Insider by Steve Wunker, Author of JOBS TO BE DONE: A Roadmap for Customer-Centered Innovation
The Blake Project Can Help You Create A Brighter Competitive Future In The Jobs To Be Done Workshop
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