
Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Daily Roundup 3/14 – The Jason Interview, Joe Schmo Show, Te…


You are listening to the daily roundup here as part of the reality. See podcast. I’m your host reality. Steve, thank you all for tuning in on this Friday. Good show for you today. We’re going to talk a little bit about that. Jason interview from yesterday, a show that I haven’t talked about in a few weeks, but we are going to talk about it because I’ve seen the ending and I’m going to try and get a guest from that show on also going to talk about a reality show that.

Popped up on Netflix two days ago. We had been talking about it and I’m like, wow, 10 episodes that I don’t know when I’m gonna get around to watching it. And then when, yes, we will finally get to the Jenny Garth Dalton James interview from her nine Oh two, one OMG podcast earlier this week, and we will get to all that momentarily.

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All right. Let’s get going. Let’s talk a little bit about that Jason interview from yesterday. I hope you took the time to listen to it. I did get a lot of feedback. So I know a few of you at least listen to it. I appreciate it. And I listened to back yesterday because I was like, when you’re in the interview and you’re doing it, you don’t, I know this sounds weird and I wear headphones and I’m obviously listening to what Jason says.

And this goes for all my interviews. Sometimes I just don’t remember the interview. Well, you don’t remember certain things about it. You remember the basics, but the flow of it did my follow questions. Were they good? Did they feed off what he had just answered? I like to do that because it’s very easy to do an interview where I just have questions written down.

It’s just question, answer, question, answer, question, answer. I don’t like doing that. I like to have more of a conversation. With Jason, it was easy because as I said, as a podcast host, he obviously has got the gift of gab. He can talk. So it was very easy to just have a free flowing conversation with him, especially we got into sports and dogs.

I mean, two things that I love. So cool. I liked it. I hope you did too. I thought it was interesting, and it was interesting, and I don’t think the guy’s defined by who he’s dated. Is who he’s dated important to a lot of people? Of course. I get it. And, I just don’t think it had to be gone into. Of course, if it was allowed, I would have talked about it, but honestly I don’t think I would have been like, so why did you and Caitlin break up, Jason?

What, what happened there? I mean, cause that’s just so generic and so basic. And it’s also a little bit intrusive because I wouldn’t even know if he’d want to talk about something like that. If I was even allowed to bring it up, it probably would have been more about their dynamic. As a whole the three year engagement talk about dancing with the stars.

What did that do for their relationship? Was it good? Was it bad? Was it tough? Because we know that Caitlin obviously ended up being the winner putting in six to eight hours a day. Like, what did he do to keep himself busy? Did he find any resentment there towards her because he just never got to see her?

I mean, there’s so many different things to talk about other than, Hey, why’d you guys break up? It just seems like, you know, maybe one of these days Jason and I will get around to it. Maybe when it’s a, it’s a little more. I know they broke up in what 2023 or maybe it was 2024. I don’t remember the exact year off the top of my head, but that’s what I’m talking about.

I still thought it was a really interesting interview hearing him talk about his brand management company rewired and just what he’s been able to do pivot to finance all of all the credit in the world to him because that is not easy to do to just completely pivot and build your brand on something that has nothing to do with the show.

That most people know you from, you know, what’s funny yesterday when I told the story about Tyler Cameron. Going on his TikTok and complaining about the fact that the Bachelorette didn’t let him use his home He grew up in as his hometown date home along with the boat He took Hannah Brown on out because it was too small and the house was too small Jason was another one, you know I said, I’m not gonna go through every season and be like, all right This was your final four this one had a hometown date That was actually at the home that they actually lived in and this one was an Airbnb rental Jason is one where a home was rented, and I don’t know if it’s because they thought his family’s house was too small, maybe they couldn’t make it work, I don’t know what the details behind it were, but after I recorded, I was just like, and then the Tyler Cameron story came out, I was like, oh yeah, that’s right, I remember for a fact that Jason didn’t use the home that he grew up in, I remember it was being told to me at the time, and if I’m not mistaken, I believe The day his hometown date filmed, there was videos and or pictures that were sent to me that I posted that day.

I mean, this was what, seven years ago, six years ago, there were videos and pictures of me posting that day of him, walk him and Caitlin walking up to the house, but yeah, it definitely wasn’t his. And if I’m not mistaken, I could be wrong on this. It’s a minor detail, but if I’m not mistaken, that was the home of a producer who grew up in Buffalo.

If I’m not mistaken, I could be wrong, but it definitely wasn’t their home and it definitely wasn’t like, Oh, it’s just going to use my cousin’s home or my uncle’s home. Now, if I believe, if I’m not mistaken, Jason’s hometown date was filmed at a producer’s home that they grew up in. So a couple of weeks ago I had brought up the fact.

That the Joe Schmo show was back on television and it’s on, it’s been on TBS and this past Tuesday was episode number nine and we’ve only got two episodes left and the Joe Schmo show is a prank television show. Where they create a fake game show. Everybody on the game show is fake. Everybody in terms of they’re all actors, but one person thinks they’re actually playing a game show and they have to find somebody naive enough that probably doesn’t watch a lot of TV.

And they were able to do this. Now, this was filmed back in 2021. Cause you’ve been watching the show. You notice. Every time we see video footage of the producers in the control room, they all have masks on. So you know this wasn’t shot any time recently. I believe it was shot in the summer of 2021 when masks were still a thing.

But it’s been airing on TBS. I finally got caught up and in the beginning I had told you I was just like, I just don’t feel like this. There’s enough here. I don’t feel like they’re going to the extreme. I don’t feel like there’s any level of threat that he’s going to figure it out. Like they’re not, they weren’t really pushing the envelope enough for me, but then I’ve watched the last few episodes and it just became more comical to me.

And this Ben guy, the guy that has no idea, basically a game show is being made and a television show is being made about him. He’s just become really, really endearing. And you’re just waiting for the reveal. How is this guy going to take it? Is he going to be upset because all these actors, especially one in particular.

Have become very close to him and you know, you spend all that time and filming with people you become close and So what I did was I reached out and I said is there any way I can get the screeners? Because I’m gonna be gone pretty much a lot of next week and into the beginning of the week after going to Vegas in California so what I told them was anyway, I can get the screeners and I’d love to record with Ben So I’ve watched the final two episodes The penultimate episode is next Tuesday, the 18th, and then the finale is on Tuesday, the 25th.

And I was like, can I see them beforehand and record with Ben and then I’ll post it the day after? And they said, sure. Now we’re trying to figure out a time where, when Ben can record, but let me just say this. I’m not going to give anything away. I mean, obviously, you know, the way this show. Ends. This is no different than the first two seasons of the three seasons of Joe Schmoe show that happened years ago.

It’s the same as jury duty. One person is not in on the joke. Everybody else is. And then they reveal it to them. And it’s just all about that moment. How to, how does that person react? And I, I will say I really liked the ending of the show. It was. It put a smile on your face. Let’s put it that way with all the crap going on in the world and everything is negative, negative, negative, and death threats and people calling each other’s names and people sniping at each other online.

I will say the ending of the Joe Schmo show this season, I think is very, very appealing and it’s very, very positive. And I think you’ll like it if you’ve been watching. So there are some moments in there where it gets a little tense. You’re just like, Oh, but the way they built it up and then the way they.

You know, doing this fake game show, everything is fixed. Who’s going to win the challenges. Who’s going to eliminate who everything is fixed. And the way they set it up for the end of the season, the way they wanted it to go, I thought was very clever of them. And the kid, Ben is just so likable. He really is.

And they found another one, a great one from the East coast. And I don’t know what Ben’s. Background is in terms of television shows, but he seemed pretty naive to the whole process, but hopefully we have been on the podcast and if you haven’t been watching, go catch up to the Joe show. Joe Schmo show on TBS really picked up in the last few episodes.

So go check that out if you can. Penultimate episode is next Tuesday and the finale is Tuesday, the 25th.

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