Treat People Like Dogs

Treat People Like Dogs

Years ago, we had a miniature dachshund. He howled when we howled at him. I still howl occasionally just to remember him. It makes us laugh.

One day, when Spunkie was with us, I came home to a “normal” welcome-home from my wife. I realized we seemed more excited to see Spunkie than we did to see each other. In that moment I said, “I wish I was a dog.”

Everyone enjoys being loved like a dog.

Treat people like dogs. Image of a couple snuggling their dog.

Treat people like dogs:

#1. Don’t make unnecessary demands.

#2. Greet people with joy.

#3. Use an uplifting tone of voice.

#4. Realize people sit nearby waiting for an invitation to play.

#5. Let them stick their head out the window to follow their joy.

#6. Give clear short directions.

#7. Scratch ears and rub bellies for no reason other than to bring joy.

#8. Accept their nature. Some dogs like to jump around. Some enjoy sniffing the ground.

#9. Let them run around without a leash once in a while.

#10. Show appreciation immediately.

What would you do today if you treated people like dogs?

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