Friday, January 10, 2025

Possibilistic pathways and decision-making for goal achievem…


Possibilistic pathways and decision-making for goal achievem…
Montrieux Le Hameau. Young fruit trees have been planted in the forefront, a location close to the restaurant (further on the left). In the background, the traditional buildings house the lodging. Photocredit: A. de Lapparent

Integrated diversified systems require organizing individual and collective management of activities and commons. In this study, we use qualitative modeling tools to characterize possible pathways leading to a target corresponding to the stakeholders’ socio-ecological goals, on a case study of integrated agritourism. Pathways leading to the target exist, but the ability to reach the target can also be definitely lost.

De Lapparent, A., Sabatier, R., Martin, S. et al. Possibilistic pathways and decision-making for goal achievement in integrated agritourism. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 45, 3 (2025).

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