We originally started this site after the publication of Career Guidance for Social Justice and Career Guidance for Emancipation. We had published two volumes addressing career guidance and social justice and felt that our work wasn’t done. We also felt that publishing more scholarly volumes probably wasn’t what was needed.
So, the idea for the blog was born. We wanted to create a repository where we, and others, could put materials that might be interested to those who were inspired by the ideas of social justice and wanted to embed it in their practice and research. The site has now been running for for than six years, with regular posts throughout that period. We believe that it is pretty useful and has given the burgeoning career guidance for social justice movement a place to engage in dialogue.
Over the years it has often been challenging to get people to write for the site. After all everything on this site has been written for free. It has also been edited and maintained for free throughout this period. This is one of the reasons why publication has been irregular. Broadly things happened when I or one of the other editors had time to make them happen. And none of us seem to be getting any less busy.
In the meantime we have also been funded to run a major four year project entitled Critical perspectives on career and career guidance (COCAG). This has some very similar aims to this website and needs to establish a website of its own. One of my aims is always to avoid duplication and to build on things that exist, rather than to tear stuff down and start again. So, I proposed and both the editorial committee of this site and the Core Group of the COCAG project agreed, that we merge the two sites.
So, this will mean that over the next few weeks and months, this site starts to look a little different, and hopefully becomes more active. We are still committed to publishing a wide range of content by different authors, so please still get in touch if you have any ideas. But hopefully the COCAG project will bring in a lot of new writers and ideas.
Hopefully this is an exciting step that everyone who reads this site will be positive about. But, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.