Thursday, December 19, 2024

100+ Best Experience Gifts for Everyone on Your List


Our family 100% believes in memory-making as the best type of gift. Every Christmas and birthday, Robert and I plan some sort of experience to give to our girls and to each other.

Sometimes it’s as small as a science experiment subscription box. Some occasions, we gift theater tickets to a show touring through town. Lately, as we’ve learned budget travel with points hacking (thanks to my friend Jen), we’ve been giving a family vacation as a gift.

Every single experience gift we’ve ever given has resulted in sweet moments we’ll always cherish. And that’s something that can never be put in the donate bin one day.

100 best experience gifts100+ Best Experience Gifts for Everyone on Your List

If you want to do a less material approach to gifts this year, I’ve compiled a huge list of the best experience gift ideas for everyone in your family.

The best part of all is most of these experiences can be planned last minute. If you’re in a time crunch, making date plans or booking an experience for the future is the perfect solution.

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