Value is a Journey of Two Steps
Traditional goals are trivial distractions. You want a prestigious degree, a seat at the corporate table, or a big bank account. That’s nice, but you’re better than that.
Who do you aspire to become? Achievements corrode your soul when you lose yourself to reaching them. You live above distraction when your goal is to become your best self.
Striving to become your best self enables satisfying achievements. Don’t get distracted by calcified cliches like “be yourself.” Mediocrity pursues you when you focus on “being.” Reach higher! Aspire to become.
Becoming exceeds being. Pursue your best self so you can bring value to others. David Shapiro put it this way, “The purpose of life is to grow and give.”
The journey has two steps. First, aspire to become your best self. Second, give your best self in service to others. The two steps are actually one. The best way to become your best self is to bring value to others.
Service is the path to greatness. Ego blocks greatness.
The more value you bring, the greater you become.
Great leaders say, “I’m here to serve the people who serve this organization.”
The higher you go, the more people you get to serve. Great leaders are at the bottom of the heap, not the top.
Pour into yourself so you can pour out for others.
When I say, “Pour into yourself,” I don’t mean go easy on yourself!
Ease is the path to oblivion. Can you name one remarkable person who chose a life of ease?
Stop doing leadership. Become a leader.
The greatest loss of leadership is neglecting who you aspire to become.
What are the top three behaviors of the person you aspire to become? How will you live into that person today?