Wednesday, October 16, 2024

A New Understanding of Ferocious Humility


A New Understanding of Ferocious Humility

Pathetic synonyms for humility include shyness, reserve, and self-abasement. Humility isn’t weakness.

Humility is more than you think. Are you strong enough to be humble?

The tough side of humility is tenacity. Image of a tiger with the quote.

5 Practices of Ferocious Humility:

Humility is more than openness.

Dad taught me to love learning. Every morning, before breakfast, he studied something. When he wasn’t studying, he read to expand his knowledge. It might be ancient history, or how to rebuild a carburetor.  

Humility learns but so does arrogance. The difference is motivation. Arrogance learns to bolster ego, prove superiority, and gain personal advantage. Humble people learn to grow and benefit others.

#1. Practice: Seek advice every day, especially when you don’t need it.

Humility is more than patience.

The tough side of humility is tenacity. A humble person bites into a commitment and won’t let go. Sadness defeats big egos. When arrogance doesn’t get what it wants it quits. Humility looks disappointment in the eye and sneers.

#2. Practice: Keep going, even when others disappoint.

Humility is more than gentleness.

The generosity of a humble person amuses hubris. Ego serves itself. Humility actively takes care of others, while selfish ambition advantages itself. Those who think serving is easy are likely serving themselves.

#3. Practice: Show up seeking to advantage others.

A red and teal pattern. Think of humility as a practice. Sometimes you feel it. Sometimes you practice it.

Humility is more than flexibility.

A humble person is rigid about doing the right thing. Ego bends the rules for personal gain. It lies to step on people. Arrogance seeks revenge. Humility is flexible with people but doesn’t yield ethical standards.

#4. Practice: Seek and explain the right thing to do.

Humility does more than listen.

Self-importance bristles at constructive feedback. It’s angered at correction and makes excuses when confronted. Humility seeks improvement. Comfort seduces arrogance.

#5. Practice: Ask yourself and others how you can be better.

What are some rigorous practices of humility?

Still curious:

My Disappointing Adventure with Humility

How Humility Serves You Well

From Hubris to Intellectual Humility: Advantages for Modern Leaders

3 Things We Get Wrong About Humility

A New Way to Become More Open-Minded

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