Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Podcast #410 – Interview with Rachel Juarez from TV’s “Hot B…


Great first time guest today as I’m joined by Rachel Juarez from TV’s syndicated “Hot Bench,” as she’s one of the 3 judges on the panel. She reached out to me last week commending me for my Devin coverage, we got to talking, and I realized someone in her position who’s very familiar with the law and has a family law practice of her own, would absolutely be someone I could talk about this situation with. Along with the Gil from Golden Bachelorette season and his legal troubles, why it differs from Devin’s, and then we even touch on the Clayton case. She knows a little about it, I fill her in as best I can, but she’ll be on again soon to discuss the Clayton case once I send her the necessary paperwork to get her caught up to speed. Great talk with Rachel today and so glad she reached out to me. I hope you enjoy it. Definitely won’t be the last time we have her on.

You can listen to today’s podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in by clicking the player below:

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts,RSS, Stitcher, Spotify
Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)

(SPOILERS) I begin by talking about previewing this episode, Golden Bachelorette, Survivor, and Big Brother talk. Then Rachel joins me (9:28) to talk about “Hot Bench” and how she got involved, break down Devin’s situation from back in college, how the Gil situation from the Golden Bachelorette differs from Devin’s, and her thoughts on the Clayton case from the basics she knows.

Instagram – @rachel__juarez

(SPOILER) Your Daily Roundup covers Episode #410 coming out later today with Rachel Juarez from “Hot Bench,” “Golden Bachelorette” thoughts, “Survivor’s” blindside, and Big Brother double eviction tonight.

You can listen to that podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in here:

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts,RSS, Stitcher, Spotify
Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)


You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I am your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Thursday. Big Thursday today, three podcasts on this podcast. We are going to talk about what’s upcoming in a couple of hours on podcast number four 10.

We’re also going to talk about the golden bachelorette last night, survivor last night, and also big brother. It’s just almost unexplainable, but yet reading some stuff online yesterday. I don’t know if I didn’t read enough or what’s going on there, but my gosh, I need an explanation to what’s happening and we will get to all of that momentarily.

I do want to start off by talking about episode number four 10, which is coming up in a couple hours. It’s going to be released at 9 15 AM Eastern time. It’ll be in. Your podcast feed around that time, but it’s definitely going set to go live on my YouTube channel at 9 15 AM Eastern time. And as I told you yesterday, it is with, you know, you’ll hear it in the podcast, but it’s with quote unquote, judge Rachel Juarez from the syndicated television show, hot bench, that is all over the world, 180 episodes a season.

And you’ve probably come across it while you’re. Sitting in the car dealership waiting to get your oil changed or it’s, it’s just, it’s on everywhere. I come across it at home sometimes. And Rachel, like I said, reached out to me last week and she just wanted to thank me. And she thought I did a really good job covering the Devon stuff.

So I said, I’d love to obviously to have you on find out a little bit more about her and her expertise is in family law. Now. I said earlier, 30 seconds ago, quote unquote judge, while she is one of the three panel judges on hot bench, she’s not actually a judge. She’s an, is an, do we call her an arbitrator or an arbiter?

Are those the same thing? Either way, that’s what she is. And she has her own private practice in family law. So. She obviously on the show plays a judge. You’ll even hear me ask her during the podcast. This may sound like a stupid question, but do I call you judge Rachel Juarez and you will get the answer directly from her, but it’s a, such a good conversation, obviously somebody that’s that.

Involved in the legal field has very good answers for everything that happened in the Devin situation. We talk about the Gill situation from golden bachelorette, because I think a lot of people are missing context of the Gill situation, and I know people are upset for what the show missed when it came to Devin and rightfully so.

However, you know, me, one of the reasons, one of the main reasons I ran with the Devin story was, well, there were two main reasons why I ran with it. Number one. To show Devin’s past behavior and number two, to indict the show for doing such a poor job during their vetting process. So clearly I am never going to side with the show on many things, but when it comes to Gil and the golden bachelorette and Gil getting served a restraining order days before he left for filming of Jones season, unfortunately, I know people want to take pitchforks out and condemn the franchise for.

Oh my gosh, how can they do this again? The bottom line is that one is horrible timing. Yes, it came out literally four days after I broke the Devin story, but unfortunately it’s just bad timing on their part. You’ll hear us talk about it on the podcast. Give it given an open mind when you listen to it, but I’m telling you this situation with Gil while a restraining order was involved in both cases.

It’s 180 degrees different due to the timing of when the restraining order was out there. Devins had a restraining order on his record for seven years. Gill had one maybe seven days before he left for filming. They absolutely should have known about Devins. You can’t convince me they absolutely had to know about Gill’s.

Hell, Gill didn’t even know he had a restraining order out against him at the time he left for filming. It’s just the way it works. Listen to the podcast, keep an open mind and yeah, it doesn’t look good for the show, but the show is way more at fault for the Devin situation than they are for the Gil situation.

So you’ll hear that coming up in a couple hours. Like I said, episode number four 10, it is Rachel Juarez from hot bench and she is going to be. A really good person to bounce stuff off of when it comes to the legal world. She responds to all my emails immediately. It’s great to have her someone that actually appreciated the work I did on the Devon story.

She reached out to me and now she’ll be somebody we can bounce stuff off of. And I am going, you’ll hear us at the end. We even dive into the Clayton situation. She only knew the basics of it. She actually didn’t even know that there had been. A trial and there had been a decision rendered back on June 18th.

So what I’m going to do. And with the help of someone else who was better at putting this stuff together than I am, because how do you explain the Clayton case to somebody who only knows the basics, which is what Rachel said. She’s like, I know about a pregnancy and a, a fake pregnancy, but you know, and I was keeping up with it for a little bit, but I don’t know the ins and outs.

And, you know, For something that lasted from the time of the night that Clayton met Laura Owens on May 20th, 2023 till the time they stepped into court on June 10th, 2024. That’s basically a year and three weeks of stuff that, how do you fill someone in on that without bombarding them with info. So I’m gonna see what I can give her.

Definitely Judge Mata’s 19 page rendering of what happened and her decision. And she’s, you know. Rachel is very well aware now. She didn’t know until I told her that judge Mata not only had a 19 page judgment, but also has recommended her to the Maricopa County criminal prosecution department or prosecutor’s office for criminal charges, which you heard Umberto say it when I had him on the live stream that week.

It happened. Any legal expert has said it is very, very rare if unheard of that something in a family court case would be recommended up for criminal charges. So again, we’re going to hear from her a lot. Once she gets through the paperwork, whenever that may be, On her own time, we are going to have her back on the podcast.

Cause I love, I would love to hear her take on the whole Clayton situation. And after reading the documents and what Laura, cause she didn’t, she knew there were other men involved, but she didn’t know the depths of it. So yeah, she needs to know all that stuff before she can really. Comment with knowledge of the situation.

So we talk about it a little bit at the end of the podcast today, but we are going to revisit it with Rachel Juarez. And maybe we even do it with Dave Neal, because obviously Dave’s been the front man on this case for over a year now. And he’s. Look, I know all the, I know the main points of this case, but Dave knows it.

And then going down even deeper into it, into the details. I know the generic details of everything that happened, but when Dave talked about, talks about it every day, he knows it a little bit more in depth than I do. So he could help out there, but I don’t know. Well, you know, we’ll see. So. Just keep that in mind, but I think you’re going to love today’s conversation with Rachel Juarez.

So I wanted to talk about golden bachelorette last night. Again, I’m going to say the same thing I said last week. It is just such a better show than the bachelor and the bachelorette. It is so much more pure. There’s zero drama. How does it not make you laugh? How does it not make you smile? You don’t really have to think much when you’re watching the show.

You can kind of just turn your brain off and enjoy it. All these men have lived full lives and they all have seemingly seem to have some sort of tragic backstory, but it’s more tragic than what we get on bachelor and bachelorette. You know, these are men that were married for a lot of years. We, we saw Charles L last night.

Tell us that his wife who died six years ago is the only woman he ever loved. And the only woman he was ever with, and he was the only man she had been with. It’s just stuff like that is, is so pure and it’s just a better show. You can’t convince me that it’s not, am I still going to watch the bachelor and bachelorette and.

Recap it sure, but clearly I’m recapping it a lot different than the Golden Bachelorette because when I watch that show I just make fun of it because of its ridiculousness There’s no ridiculousness in the Golden Bachelorette because they’re not trying to embarrass their contestants They’re not playing funky music behind somebody who might be saying weird things, you know They could easily be making fun of Jack and they’re not, they’re embracing the fact that he comes across as a total grandpa and, you know, talking about barbecuing and talking about doing cannonballs in the pool, like they could easily make him out to be the crazy one.

But if Jack’s character on golden bachelorette, let’s say was on the bachelorette and he was. 40 years younger, they would be making fun of him. The show would make it. So you would look at that person and make fun of him and the golden mature doesn’t do that. So. I just, I really got a kick out of last night’s show.

We’ve, we found out that Jordan dated Taylor Dane. Like, like what these guys are dating the musical guests on the show. Charles is somebody was, is Tina Turner’s godfather. I think it was Charles. I could be wrong on the name. I apologize if I am, but yeah, Charles or somebody is Tina Turner’s godfather.

We had chalks date at Disneyland. It was the only date that we actually had photos of this year. I, I posted those the day after he had that. And I was able to identify chalk. He was the first contestant that I was able to identify this season. And, you know, ironically enough, he’s the guy that ends up winning.

And It’s a, you know, it’s been on my Instagram. Like I said, when I originally came out with guy as the winner, you know, that’s what I was, I, I thought it was, but when I got the chalk information, I was like, Oh, I see why it’s not guy. And I see why it is chalk. So I, you know, I, again it’s not like she chose guy and has switched to chalk.

No, she chose chalk in the end. I just didn’t know that right away. I thought it was guy based on information that I was given, but it is chalk. She’s with him to this day. The only thing I don’t know is whether or not they got engaged, but you will see I’m just gonna call her Leslie. Jason get mixing up my golden bachelorettes.

You will see Joan and chalk at the end of this thing. This podcast brought to you by way. With weigh, you’ll get hydration that won’t weigh you down. Plus extra benefits that your specific strands need. Think volume and bounce, shine, and protection against frizz. I don’t need protection against frizz.

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