Wednesday, October 16, 2024

18 Habits of Exceptionally Successful People


Success means different things to different people, but there are timeless truths about what it takes to get to the top.

And I’m not just talking about property today but about all elements of your life.


One of the most successful books of all time about success is “Think and Grow Rich” which was written nearly 80 years ago by Napoleon Hill.

Hill explored the traits that lead to exceptional success in this book and other texts and lecture series.

Here are 18 of them…

1. Successful people have a purpose

According to Hill, we can all become very successful if we just make up our minds about how much success we want, how we define it, and on what terms we want to evaluate success.

He explains that all successful people started with a certain amount of dreaming, hoping, planning, and desiring before they became rich.

They imagined riches before they saw them in their bank accounts, Hill explains:

“Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognise failure, will bring riches.”

2. They have faith.

Growing rich and successful starts with your mindset — with belief and faith that you can accumulate wealth according to Hill who says that “if you can imagine it, you can create it.”

3. They are decision-makers

A key trait in all the successful people Hill studied was decisiveness.

They don’t procrastinate, since they recognise making a bad decision is better than making no decision at all.

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4. They gain specialised knowledge 
Successful people focus their attention and energy and become experts in one field rather than diversifying.

They tend to be voracious readers and never stop learning, but they recognise that education and knowledge are the only potential powers.

The real power comes from taking action and implementing that knowledge.

5. They’re not the smartest person in their team

There are often big egos at the top of the tree, but the ultra-successful seek out other smart people whose capabilities and talents complement their own.

They then form Mastermind groups with people who share their vision, recognising that a group of creative minds are exponentially more powerful than one,

6. They exhibit self-control

Exceptionally successful people know how to control their emotions, not letting disappointments crush their spirits or achievements lead to cockiness.

They understand that self-control is a muscle, which when exercised gets stronger.

They know that pursuing a dream and the goals around this dream increases self-control.


7. They don’t give up

Hill says it’s not only necessary to withstand difficulty but to use your setbacks as motivation to try even harder.

8. They find productive uses for their creativity

Successful people make an impact on the world by finding ways to direct their imagination to “definite and constructive ends”.

Thinking isn’t really enough – you can’t just “Think and Grow Rich.”

You need to use your specialised knowledge in a productive way.

9. They are open

According to Hill, to be a great thinker, you need to have an open mind on all subjects and all people.

That’s why successful people are not quick to judge others.

Instead, they independently gather all of the information they need about a person or a topic before forming an opinion.

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