The Credit Gardener

The “2024 Client Protocol Guidelines” letter outlines new procedures aimed at improving service efficiency. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining updated MFSN payment details, as notifications for declined credit cards will cease. Immediate payment of invoices for printing and mailing services is required, with no reminders sent. Invoices will now be emailed from an outsourced service, necessitating clients to keep their email addresses current. Clients are advised to be patient and not inquire about debt resolution results within the first 30-35 days of sending attack letters. Additionally, they are instructed to disregard stall letters or emails from bureaus, as these are usually deterrent tactics. The letter highlights that compliance with these guidelines is essential for effective financial management and warns of potential account suspension or engagement termination for non-compliance. If you are currently a client, PLEASE READ


The “2024 Client Protocol Guidelines” letter has been released to outline new procedures aimed at enhancing service efficiency. These guidelines emphasize the importance of maintaining updated MFSN payment details and provide instructions on various aspects of the payment process.

Updated Payment Details

One of the key highlights of the new guidelines is the importance of keeping MFSN payment details up to date. To streamline the payment process, notifications for declined credit cards will no longer be sent. It is crucial for clients to ensure that their payment information is accurate and current to avoid any disruptions in service.

Immediate Payment of Invoices

The guidelines also emphasize the need for immediate payment of invoices for printing and mailing services. In an effort to improve efficiency, no reminders will be sent for outstanding invoices. Clients are expected to promptly settle their invoices to maintain a smooth workflow and ensure timely delivery of services.

Email Invoicing

Another significant change introduced by the guidelines is the transition to email invoicing. Invoices will now be emailed from an outsourced service, making it essential for clients to keep their email addresses updated. This shift aims to streamline the invoicing process and provide clients with a more convenient and efficient means of receiving and managing their invoices.

Debt Resolution Inquiries

Clients are advised to exercise patience when it comes to debt resolution inquiries. The guidelines state that it is not advisable to inquire about debt resolution results within the first 30-35 days of sending attack letters. This timeframe allows for the necessary processes to be completed, and clients are encouraged to wait until this period has elapsed before seeking updates on their debt resolution progress.

Disregarding Stall Letters or Emails

As part of the new guidelines, clients are instructed to disregard stall letters or emails received from bureaus. These communications are typically unrelated to the debt resolution process and may cause unnecessary confusion. Clients should focus on following the outlined procedures in the “2024 Client Protocol Guidelines” letter and avoid being sidetracked by unrelated correspondence.


The “2024 Client Protocol Guidelines” letter introduces new procedures aimed at improving service efficiency. By emphasizing the importance of updated payment details, immediate invoice payment, email invoicing, and providing guidance on debt resolution inquiries, these guidelines seek to streamline processes and enhance the overall client experience. Clients are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the guidelines and adhere to them for a smoother and more efficient service experience.

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