Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Reviewer acknowledgments—ASD 2023 – Agronomy for Sustainable…


The editors-in-chief would like to sincerely thank all the reviewers who ensured the rigorous, considerate, and constructive evaluations of articles submitted to ASD during the year 2023. Through your voluntary work and the sharing of your skills, you have raised our standards, highlighted the novelty of research, encouraged authors to clarify their messages, removed uncertainties in data processing, and opened up new avenues of discussion. Your conscientious work has improved the scientific quality of the published research articles, reviews, and meta-analyses, rendering the journal more attractive to its readers. All this has enabled the journal to consolidate its metrics and to emerge in 2023 as the leading journal in agronomy.

Reviewer acknowledgments—ASD 2023 – Agronomy for Sustainable…H Abdelrahman, F Accatino, S J Acquah, M Acutis, N Aguilar-Rivera, A Ahmad, A B Ahmad Khair, M Ahmed, V Alarcón Segura, V Alfano, B Allema, L Alletto, M Alonso-Ayuso, N Andrieu, V Angeon, D Antichi, J Antle, D Aristide, S Avosani, A Ayantunde, J Bacenetti, M Barbercheck, P Baret, A Bargaz, E Barilli, M Beecher, L Bell, M Bell, R Bell, D Bellouin, P S Bindraban, X Bo Zhou, C Bockstaller, P Bogusz, B Bomfim, F Bonini da Luz, P Bosnic, C Brock, T Bruulsema, Z Brym, I Buesa, R Buresh, J Bürger, P Burgess, M Busse, M Carozzi, V Castillo, T Cavagnaro, D Cavalli, S Ceccarelli, A Cerevkova, V Chable, I Chahal, C Charatsari, J-D Charrière, B Chauvel, S F da S Chaves, B Chávez-Vergara, M Chen, J Chen, M Chevelev-Bonatti, P Chidambaranathan, A Cirujeda, P Clerino, C Clermont-Dauphin, C Collins, C Colnenne-David, C Compagnone, S Cook, S Cordeau, M Corson, M Croci, K Crowley, T Dalhaus, S M M Dandan, I Darnhofer, S. Das, A J Daymond, E De Olde, N de Roo, P Debaeke, B Dedieu, S Dehyouri, A Del Prado, H Deshmukh, C Di Bene, V Diogo, T Doering, M dos Reis Martins, A Durand-Morat, E Elli, E B Erenoğlu, M Finckh, M Gabbrielli, E Galan, F Gallardo-López, J Gay, N Gentsch, C Geppert, S Giuliano, I Goldringer, M Gosme, I Grechi, A Gross, F R Grossauer, G Guardia, F Hahn, F-E Helepciuc, F Hermans, B Herrera Sabillon, S Hoischen, D Holzowrth, N Hostiou, T Hu, H J Inocêncio, N Iofrida, R Isla, Y Y Jaimes-Suárez, M Jalli, R A Jat, M Jiménez Martínez, A Johnson, L Jordan-Meille, E Justes, M Kernecker, J Kirkegaard, R Kraaijvanger, N Kumar, S Kumar, F Küzmiƒç, J Labreuche, J Lairez, A Lashkari, R A Laumann, R Lawes, G Le Provost, P Lescoat, C Li, L Li, M Li, Y Li, K Liu, J Lloveras Vilamanyà, A Lopes, R Lorrillière, M D Lozano Tovar, E Luedeling, H Maat, I Macedo, C MacLaren, M-B Magrini, E Mapfumo, T Martin, T Martin, M Martínez-Mena, R S Massad, G Mastalerczuk, V Materia, L Mc Namara, T McBeath, A McVittie, M S Meier, H Meinke, F Mensah, L Mercenaro, A Merot, S A Mesele, A Metay, B Mirgol, D Möller, K Morel, C Mottes, T H Mulesa, W Mulimbi, E Munasinghe, R Mungkung, A-C Mupepele, T Nemecek, R Nettle, N Nikolic, M-O Nozières-Petit, B Oehen, A Onofri, R Osman, E Padoan, A Perego, S Petit-Michaut, H-P Piepho, E Polge, P Pongrac, E Porcher, K Prager, G Preiti, R Price, L Prost, C Qiao, M Quemada, A Ratnadass, M D Raya-Sereno, N Raymond, N Riekoetter, L Riggi, D Rivest, L Rodrigo, A Rodriguez-Hernandez, A Roesch, A Romyen, E Ronner, M Ros, G Rubio, C Ruviaro, I Sache, S Saia, C Salembier, C Schob, L Schulte-Filthaut, A G T Schut, J P Sciurano, K Scow, U Skiba, M Skowroñska, V Snow, V Souchère, B Strehlow, J Sumberg, F Tacconi, T Tadiello, E Tello, I Tiermann, J Timaeus, J Trap, G Trebuil, V Triantafyllidis, K Vaiknoras, E Vall, J van den Berg, H Van der Werf, W van der Werf, M van Loon, P Van Oort, S Vanino, F M Vanwindekens, J Vasco Silva, A Vatsanidou, K Verburg, A Vergnes, P Veysset, D Viaggi, I Vogeler Cronin, M Von Cossel, H Wang, P Wardana, D Warren Raffa, M Weinmann, S Winter, J Wohlfahrt, S Woodward, W Xie, F Zhang, G Zhang, X Zhang, X Zhao.

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