A great first time guest on the podcast today as Dotun Olubeko, winner of Bachelorette season 21 now up wherever you listen to your podcasts and on my YouTube channel. Wanna thank BetUS for connecting Dotun and I for this interview. First time ever speaking with him and I have them to thank for it. Click on BetUS to check it out. Never thought that Dotun and I would connect, but hey, here we are. We had a lot to go over since his life has been a whirlwind for a good year now. We talk about Jenn’s finale, discuss the possibility that maaaaaaaybe he spoiled his own season (hey, I had to ask), he has some questions for Reality Steve he wanted to get off his chest, being in a public relationship, does DWTS affect couples, and much, much more. Great time with Dotun today and I hope you all enjoy this conversation.
You can watch the Dotun interview on my YouTube channel up now. Watch and Subscribe here:
Instagram – @dotunolubeko
You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I am your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in. A good Thursday show for you, even though some of you might be receiving this on Thursday night or Wednesday night because as you know, I’m heading out of town. in the morning and I just wanted to get all your podcasts up right now.
So we’re going to talk more about gen season, everything that went down yesterday, things that happened on social media. We’ve got a lot to cover in today’s podcast and we will get to that momentarily. I do want to say this, all of your stuff is coming tonight. So daily roundup you’re hearing right now in about 15 minutes from now, the sports daily will be up and then about 15 minutes after that, 1230 AM central time is when your episode, your weekly podcast episode number four Oh seven with Dotton Alabeco is happening tonight.
It’ll be on my YouTube channel at 1230 AM. Central time should be in your podcast feed a little bit before that. So you’re getting everything tonight. I just want to be able to wake up tomorrow morning, shower, get in my car, go to the airport and not have to worry about stuff. I might retweet some of the stuff that I put out tonight and just say, Hey, for those of you that were sleeping.
When I posted this stuff, it’s up and then tomorrow’s daily roundup and sports daily are both already loaded and ready to go. Today was literally probably one of the busiest days. Not only did it have to be the day after the finale, but it’s also a day where I did three interviews and recorded five podcasts.
Like I just, I procrastinated tomorrow’s a podcast guest on the daily roundup is Kristen Burtt, who’s an entertainment reporter for Dem dancing with the stars. So we spend about 35 minutes talking about that. My sports daily tomorrow was already pre recorded, but I still had to record an open and a close.
I recorded with Dotton today. I recorded today’s sports daily and I recorded this podcast. So yeah, five podcasts, three interviews. Busy, busy day, but I’m clear until Sunday night when I record Mondays, a daily roundup and a sports daily. But I just did not want to have to record anything. Ravens and chiefs are tonight.
I’ll be in Vegas and I didn’t want to have to go back to my room after the game at like, well, it’ll be about eight 30, nine o’clock on a Thursday night in Vegas, and they didn’t want to go back to my room and spend an hour there recording two podcasts. So they’re all set. Loaded, ready to go tomorrow. All right, so let’s get going with some more bachelorette stuff.
Some things that came to me from that I maybe did not get to yesterday. In regards to the finale, nothing new to report in regards to what I heard from the person who messaged me. I’m still trying to work out some details and find out, obviously I want to vet this properly and want to make sure.
But I have no idea. If I can, this person, you know, someone contacted me that knows something about somebody else. And I’m like, well, I need to talk to that somebody else person directly. I mean, I, I’m not saying I’m doubting your story, but I need to go straight to the source here and the person that’s possibly involved.
So I’m just waiting to hear back from them and see if they can put me in touch. Or if that other person even wants to speak, I. Don’t know, and I can’t force them to if they don’t want to some things that I just never went over in the finale. The show itself. I thought Jen’s brother was excellent. I mean, that guy killed it very, you know, he wasn’t like gung ho, like a lot of these families are skeptical, but he was skeptical with a sensitive side about it.
He wasn’t just coming down on the guys. He was asking good questions. The most important thing about James, her brother was, you know, While we were watching the episode of what happened back in Hawaii, the live shot of him in his seat pretty much told the whole story. The guy never cracked a smile once.
And then you have Jesse asking him after we watched both guys meet James and the family. We had Jesse ask him, how are you feeling right now? He’s like, not too happy right now. So we kind of knew that at that point he wouldn’t say that if Jen was happy and in a relationship and still engaged. So we kind of knew what was coming, but.
It was very telling to say the least but James, he knocked it out of the park on that episode for sure. You know, the more I think about it, the more bothered I am by them showing the proposal. And yes, I’m very well aware that Jen said in multiple interviews yesterday that she, she knew it was coming.
She knew they were going to show the proposal. She knew it was going to be an emotional night for her and they knew, and she said, I was not surprised at all. They didn’t surprise me and throw that on me. She goes, I knew it was coming, which is fine, but that doesn’t make it right. It doesn’t mean, Hey, we gave her a heads up.
She knew we were going to show it. I don’t think that’s the question that should be asked. The question that should be asked is why did you have to show it? Whether they showed it in, and some people are saying, well, I think they, I didn’t have a problem showing them showing it. They should have showed it in the normal sequence.
And when we, so we usually see proposals happen. I’m like, I don’t think it matters, you know? And, and the biggest problem I have with it is the fact that I said it yesterday, but I want to repeat this again. This is the issue. We saw her dump Marcus. Then the next scene is Devin going to meet Neil Lane to look at rings.
And then right after that scene, Jesse Palmer, we get back to a live shot of Jesse Palmer on the couch saying, Hey, normally at this time, very happy moment, we would show you the proposal, but we’re not going to do that due to what’s happened since that day. And then they have two segments of Jen sitting on the couch crying.
And then you show it like it just doesn’t make any sense when they specifically told us we’re not going to show it. He didn’t say at that point, we’re not going to show it now. We want to talk about it and we’ll show it later. I just, it made no sense. And this show can say whatever they want. Nobody has come out yet from the show and defended them showing the proposal.
I doubt anybody will. Jesse’s going to be asked about it at some point, I would think, but my point is nothing that they say, and I know their answer is going to be like, we wanted to show Jen that she was an empowering woman at that and how strong she was on that day. I’m sorry. That’s not good enough.
She didn’t have to see that. You did it to get a viral TV moment and to get people talking. You did it for television purposes, not because you were looking out for Jen’s feelings. The girl was already a mess for two straight segments, and then you made her watch that again. And I know she said, look, I wanted Devin to watch it, but Devin wanted no part of it either.
Sat there with his head down, and Jen sat there crying. Again. Which I mean, how could you not watching that back with your ex fiance sitting right next to you? It was just so not classy. It was humiliating. It was embarrassing and it never should have been shown period. End of story. There’s nothing they can say to convince me.
Oh, I see their side. I just don’t. I don’t see it. It was a television stunt done to get people talking, which obviously it worked. People are talking about it today. Everybody’s talking about it today. I can’t believe they made her sit through that proposal that they got what they wanted. It doesn’t make it right.
Devin on the couch saying, you know, yeah, regretfully, I was late on letting you know how I felt. That’s his best explanation. Really? That’s all you could come up with? You’ve had three and a half months since May 16th to formulate something better than that. And all he could say was, Regretfully, I was late on letting you know how I felt.
Again, people in this franchise are allowed to get off the show. I’m talking about final couples. You’re allowed to get off the show, have your happy couple visits, start getting to know each other more and realize, Oh shit, maybe this isn’t gonna work out between us. That is totally acceptable. In fact, it’s the norm on the show.
Cause way more couples break up than actually stay together. Again, my biggest issue with Devin is not that he couldn’t be compatible with Jen or that Jen couldn’t be compatible with him, or they wouldn’t have made it longterm. It’s the fact that the love bombing happened for the last four episodes. And as Jen said, which is confirmed by Dotton, when you listen in this interview today, Dotton tells me, I saw Jen right after filming ended at CMA Fest and she said then something’s kind of off.
He said she didn’t spoil anything for me, but she’s like something’s kind of off. Something’s weird. That was CMA Fest. That was like maybe a week after they got back from filming, end of May. So that’s what I mean. What Jen said was confirmed by Dotton on Podcast number 407 coming up in about an hour from now, half hour from now, whatever, 1230 a.
m. He’s Central Standard Time. It was confirmed by him. She wasn’t lying on the stage when she said she felt like he was distant from the time they left Hawaii and one foot out the door. Like, I mean, I, I said it on Dave’s live Monday night after the show. And I’ll say it again. If he would have just went for a month or two months and realize, man, it’s not working between us and just had, and they broke up before the show.
Yeah, it would have sucked. It’s happened before though, on the show where they couldn’t even make it. The final couple couldn’t make it to after the final rose, but. We just not getting an answer to, Hey, I couldn’t live up to your expectations, Jen. Okay. Why couldn’t you live up to the expectations? Tell us, tell us how you felt where you just, you get off the, you get off the Island in Hawaii and you’re just like, I’m not attracted to her.
I don’t find her attractive at all. Was it, she snores during her, when she sleeps? I don’t know. I’m just saying, give us a reason. You gave us nothing and that’s why it’s very hard to believe anything he says, especially when he says, regretfully, I’m late on letting you know, I should’ve let you know. I couldn’t live up to your expectations and you weren’t the person you should have been around me.
I just like, I’m sorry. He’s like putting it back on her to almost take heat off himself. Like, you know, the almost. Almost the, it’s not, it’s not you, it’s me. So I totally understand where he just didn’t have the balls to come out and tell her why he wasn’t, why he wasn’t feeling it with her anymore. And I’m sorry when I’ve heard all the things that I’ve heard for the last four months.
And then I find out that this guy basically checked out from the second he left Hawaii.
It’s very easy to believe he conned her and he was never going to be serious about this relationship. He went on the show to win a game show in his mind. And you know, I don’t know how game of roses is talking about this, but wouldn’t he technically be like the greatest game player in this show’s history because he won the ring or whatever, and, and then bolted, he did everything he needed to do to win.
Like if it’s all about winning, Devin might be one of the greatest players ever. But if it’s all about how you treat people, he’s probably one of the worst. So that’s what I mean. It’s just, he is not a good guy. Sorry. There’s no other way around it. And the way he treated her, the way he acted on stage, so aloof, didn’t seem to take accountability for anything.
Just came across as awful.