Monday, February 17, 2025

Terraform provider for Google Cloud 6.0 is now GA


We are excited to announce the release of version 6.0 of the HashiCorp Terraform Google provider, with updates to labels designed to improve usability. Users now have the ability to view resources managed by Terraform when viewing/editing such resources through other tools. This post covers the details and benefits of the updated provider, and recaps key new features released this year.


»Provider-defined functions

With the release of Terraform 1.8, providers can implement custom functions that you can call from the Terraform configuration. Earlier this year we announced the general availability of provider-defined functions in the Google Cloud provider, adding a simplified way to get regions, zones, names, and projects from the IDs of resources that aren’t managed by your Terraform configuration. Provider-defined functions can now help parse Google IDs when adding an IAM binding to a resource that’s managed outside of Terraform:

resource "google_cloud_run_service_iam_member" "example_run_invoker_jane" {
 member   = ""
 role     = "run.invoker"
 service  = provider::google::name_from_id(var.example_cloud_run_service_id)
 location = provider::google::location_from_id(var.example_cloud_run_service_id)
 project  = provider::google::project_from_id(var.example_cloud_run_service_id)

This release represents another step forward in our unique approach to ecosystem extensibility.



Google 6.0 upgrade guide.


Get Started tutorials for Google Cloud.

When upgrading to version 6.0 of the Terraform Google provider, please consult the upgrade guide on the Terraform Registry, which contains a full list of the changes and upgrade considerations. Because this release introduces breaking changes, we recommend pinning your provider version to protect against unexpected results. For a complete list of the changes in 6.0, please refer to the Google provider changelog.

HashiCorp and Google partner on cloud infrastructure to make it easy for users to provision and manage Google Cloud resources. You can find out more about our partnership on our Google Cloud partner page.

If you are currently using Terraform Community Edition or are completely new to Terraform, sign up for HCP Terraform and get started using the free offering today.

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